Do you want to teach your children Home Ec skills, but want a guide to help you get started?
Are you a homeschooler looking for an inexpensive way to add Home Economics instruction to your school year?
Were you part of the generation that never really learned the Home Ec skills our Mothers and Grandmothers learned, so you just don’t know where to start with your own children?
Do you want to be sure you don’t have to be doing your children’s laundry when they’re 40?
The Training Your Children in Home Economics eBook May Be Perfect for You!
There is also a Kindle version of Training Your Children in Home Economics. The Kindle version costs slightly less because while you are given the information for the progress sheets, you must create your own if you would like to use all of the progress sheets. The PDF version here includes printable progress sheets.
Training Your Children in Home Economics is a 44 page eBook, which is wonderful for families with multiple children, as there are reproducible progress sheets and simple shape sewing patterns. You’ll be able to print as many of those sheets as you need for your immediate family.
Training Your Children in Home Economics addresses why learning Home Ec skills are important for children, as well as sections on skills in the following areas:
- Money Management
- Hospitality
- Simple Sewing Skills
- Gardening
- Meal Planning
- Meal Preparation
- Kitchen Safety
- Food Safety
- Microwave Safety
- Table Manners
- Laundry Skills
Also included in Training Your Children in Home Economics:
- Progress Form for Simple Sewing Skills (with Specific Skills Listed)
- Progress Form for Working on Assisting in the Kitchen (with Specific Skills Listed)
- Progress Form (Multiple Pages) for Building a Repertoire of Meals that Can Be Prepared Independently
- Meal Planning Page
- Progress Form for Beginning Laundry Skills
- Progress Form (two pages) for Laundry Skills (more advanced that “Beginning” section)
- Three Pages of Very Simple Reproducible Shapes for Sewing Felt Creations
Training Your Children in Home Economics would be the perfect base for a course in your homeschool (or to work on after school) on Home Economics! Because the eBook doesn’t cover everything in the field of Home Economics, this allows y0u to add in other Home Economic Skills that you feel you would also like your children to learn or just add to the skills that are already worked on in the eBook.
Training Your Children in Home Economics eBook is Great for Multiple Ages
While young children won’t be able to do every activity in the eBook, there are activities that you can start working on in this eBook for children as young as preschool.
The ideal target age group, based on my own children, for this book is approximately for older elementary through middle school age (and early high school).
This eBook is also great for all high school students that are lacking in these home economics areas!
Who Teaching Your Children in Home Economics eBook is NOT Designed For:
If your children regularly do all the laundry on their own, plan and prepare elaborate meals, and can whip up a new sundress in an afternoon, this eBook isn’t for you.
If you are looking for a quick solution that will have your children self-sufficient by tomorrow (or next week), this eBook isn’t for you.
If you aren’t really interested in putting in some time to work with your children on learning Home Ec skills, this eBook probably isn’t for you (unless someone else has agreed to work through it with them).
However, if you are willing to put in some time (even if it’s stretched out over a long period of time) working on these important Home Economics skills with your children, then Training Your Children in Home Economics might just be perfect for your family!
You can read some reviews here.
Note: This eBook is available as a free download to Real Life at Home email subscribers.
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