When adding this Mother Teresa Printables Packet to your cart, please choose the correct usage cost for how you will be using this packet.
- There is an option for use with one family, a small group, or one classroom. This option costs $3.25.
- There is a different option (with slightly higher pricing) for use within multiple classrooms in the same school, a whole school, an entire religious education program, or large groups. This option costs $6.00.
This is a downloadable product. You will not receive a physical item, but rather a PDF file to print out on your own.
Packet Length (including cover and terms of use page): 31 pages
Packet Variation Option: There is a packet with almost identical pages (plus a couple of extras) that is a Saint Teresa of Calcutta printables packet. You can choose the packet that matches what you call this wonderful saint!
The Mother Teresa Printables Packet Includes:
Please read through the whole post about the Mother Teresa / Saint Teresa of Calcutta packets to read about the contents of each of the pages.
This packet includes multiple coloring pages, mini books, multiple word finds, a saint mini report, and more.
This packet is appropriate to use with elementary-aged children. Many of the pages are also perfect to use with middle school-aged children and preschool-aged children.
Please be sure to read the terms of use page on the first page of the packet prior to using any of the pages.